1. Where do I start?

The Sun Salute, Pendulum, and Single Baston course.

  1. Do I need prior experience?

Not at all! Beginners are most welcome! But if you do have experience then we still encourage you to start at the same place as everyone else. Only difference is that you’ll likely go through the material a bit quicker than beginners.

  1. What if I already have FMA experience, can I skip around?

Most certainly! We do encourage your to start at the beginning like everyone else just so that you don’t miss out on some things that might be new to you like the pendulum. You’ll likely move past some materials quickly.

  1. VSCK is awesome and I’d like to start teaching it in my area. Do you have an instructors program?

Yes! Once you’ve completed all of the courses you’ll be required to train in-person with the instructor, Gregory. The training will evaluate your knowledge, ability, and temperament. From there he’ll either grant you instructor status or request that you train together more. 

  1. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Can I train with you in person?

Certainly! The instructor, Gregory, trains privately and doesn’t have large group classes. You can contact him directly at [email protected].

  1. Where can I buy training weapons?

We recommend buying sticks here https://fmasupply.net/ and https://www.bunalbrand.com/ or training blades here http://www.uleptrainingblades.com